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Showing posts from August, 2015

"Facts"-If it is important for you ,you will find a way.If not you will find an excuse.

Don't give an excuse . "Facts"-If it is important for you ,you will find a way.If not you will find an excuse.

"Attitude quotes"-Today I will do what others won't , so tomorrow I can do what others can't do .

To Do something special you should start early. "Attitude quotes"-Today I will do what others won't , so  tomorrow I can do what others can't do .

"Real beauty"-Heart can see the beauty and love more than the eyes can wonder.

 close your eyes and see with the heart. "Real beauty"-If, what you see with your eyes  doesn't please you ,then close your eyes and see with your heart .Because heart can see the beauty and love more than the eyes can wonder.

"Fight depression"-some one really thinks of you each and every day.

Some one really thinks of you . "Fight depression"There is some one in the world right now who really cares and loves you more than you think.You might not know it .But trust me some one really thinks of you each and every day.

"Inspirational thoughts"-Decide where you belong to.

Where do you belong ? Some people want it to happen,some wish it would happen,others make it happen.Now you decide where you belong to.

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but ,but on building the new.

Don't expect the change if you are not one. Don't expect to see a change if you don't make one.The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but ,but on building the new.

Correct your mistakes and that will take you to a better place deserved for you.

Correct your mistakes When life is dragging you back , you are actually given a chance to correct your mistakes and that  will take you to a  better  place deserved for you. view more in g+ page

Fight back the fear in your life .Take back the control.

It is just an illusion. Fight back the fear in your life .Take back the control.Fear of failure is nothing but an illusion created in your mind. view more in g+ page

Fight depression-You are gonna fight like hell till you can't fight any longer.That's what you are gonna do.

I am not gonna give up .  So, after all what you have been through ,are you just going to quit like that ? No ,you are gonna fight like hell till you can't fight any longer.That's what you are gonna do."Fight depression" view more in g+ page

Strength comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't

           Overcoming your hurdles. Strength doesn't come from what you can do .It comes from  overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't. view more in g+ page

"Positive quotes"-You are not your past ,it is important what you have learnt from your past.

You are not your past. No matter  what happened to you in your past ,you are not your past ,it is important what you have learnt from your past and that is the basis for all  change. view more in g+ page

"Facts"-Go out suffer the pain and make them happen .

Don't sit and think things to happen. "Inspirational quotes"-It may be difficult but it is possible .See the possibilities and make it happen . Don't sit there and think of the things to happen by themselves .Go out suffer the pain and make them happen . view more in g+ page

"Get motivated"When there are no limits to how far you can go, why to stay there at where you are ?

There are no limits. If you always put limits on everything you do,physical or anything else,it will spread into your work and into your life .There are no limits .There are only plateaus and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. view more in g+ page

We improve our internal strength to fight day by day. Just don't give up and be patient

We get better day by day. You can succeed by 1)willing to do things you are not , 2)fighting against the odds,3)strength to sacrfice things ,4)not to be consumed by pride,5)will power to never giveup. view more in g+ page

"Inspirational quotes"-You are capable of more than you knowWorld needs all you can give ..

Prepare yourself at times to be alone. You are capable of more than you know .Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best however hard the path is .Aim high,behave honorably.Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure.Persist! World needs all you can give .

"Inspirational quotes"-Stand tall when every one is pulling you down.

Comeback when no one expects you to. Fight more intensely when you are struggling; put in the extra effort when you are in the sheer pain; comeback when nobody expects you to; stand tall when everyone is pulling you down.What ever it may be never giveup.                           Author

Believe in yourself and show the world who you are.

Glory is raising up everytime you fall. Our greatest glory is not never falling but raising every time we fall .Believe in yourself and show the world who you are.

"Positive quotes"-Before you doubt yourself, just remember how far you have come ,all the battles you have won and all the fears you have overcome.

Remember all the fears you have overcome. When ever you find yourself doubting how far you can go , just remember how far you have come.Remember everything you have faced,all the battles you have won and all the fears you have overcome.

Don't wait for the perfect moment,take the moment and make it perfect.

Make the moment perfect. If you have to wait for a perfect moment, it might take your life time.So, don't wait for the perfect moment,take the moment and make it perfect.Use your time wisely .

A little hope of success and determination to fightback is the magic light which helps you to cross the hell in your hardships.

Some times you got to pretend ok  Sometimes you got to pretend ok  though you are going through hell .A little hope of success and determination to fightback  is the magic light which helps you to cross the hell in your hardships. See more

Every scar reminds you that you have survived .

Turn your wounds into wisdom. From every wound there is a scar and every scar tells a story.A story that says ,"I have survived".Turn your wounds into wisdom.

Your strength increases when you refuse surrendering to your problems.

Decide not to surrender to your problems. Strength doesn't come from winning .Your struggles develop your strengths.When you go through your hardships and decide not to surrender, that is the strength.

The greater the obstacle the more glory it brings

overcome your fear. Overcome your fear and cross the obstacles on your path.

"Time",the only capital that every person has.

Time is really the only capital that any humanbeing has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose. Value your time

Say, "I am stronger than problems." Believe and fight back.

Believe and fight back. You cannot say no to life.You have to fight back and beat the odds.You gotta take your stand.Not even a single problem is stronger than you.Believe and fight back.

Stop when you are done.

Never stop until you reach the goal. Don't stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.

Train and cultivate your talent to the highest degree.

Work like there is no tomorrow. Work like there is no tomorrow.Strive, really train and cultivate your talent to the highest degree.

"Life quotes"-You are being "re-directed" by god to do better in life at times when you feel like you're rejected by him.

As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good , I was actually being "redirected" to something better. We are redirected to do better.

Believing in yourself is the first secret of success.

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Believing in yourself is the first secret of success. Hardwork and love comes next to it.

"Ambitious"-Never stop until you reach your goal.

Stay focused         1)STAY POSITIVE.         2)STAY FIGHTING.         3)STAY BRAVE.         4)STAY AMBITIOUS.         5)STAY FOCUSED.         6)STAY STRONG.

"Attitude quotes"-Do what you love and love what you do.

Love what you do. Success is no accident . It is hardwork, perseverance, studying, learning,sacrifice and most of all love of what you are doing or trying to do.

Never mind "TRY AGAIN"

Try again Do the one thing you think you cannot do.Failed at it ,never mind"Try again".Do better the second time.The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire.This is your moment ,own it.

Stay hungry stay foolish.

Be hunger to learn.

"Attitude quotes"-The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

Success follows brave. Dare it ,only then you can succeed in your life. "Positive quotes"

"Positive quotes"-Start your work now and better tools will be found as you go along.

Do not wait,the time will never be "just right". Start where you stand and work with what ever tools you may have at your command.Better tools will be found as you go along. Start your work now with what you have.

you can either run from it or learn from it." -POSITIVE QUOTES.

"Oh yes,the past can hurt .But you can either run from it or learn from it." Learn from it.

What lies with in us is much important.- "POSITIVE QUOTES"

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies with in us. What lies within you matters a lot.

End the day with a positive thought.- "POSITIVE QUOTES"

Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were , tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make it better. Positive thought

Search for the doors that has opened for you.- "POSITIVE QUOTES"

When one door closes, another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed doors and not for the  doors that has opened for us. Search for open doors

The most difficult phase of your life is not when no one understands you; it is when you don't UNDERSTAND YOURSELF.- "POSITIVE QUOTES"

Understanding yourself is must.

Stop waiting, just go and make them happen.- "POSITIVE QUOTES"

Stop waiting for things to happen ,just go and make them happen. Don't wait for things to happen.

Accept your problems with joy. - "POSITIVE QUOTES"

The best way to show my gratitude is to accept every thing ,even my problems with joy. Solve your problems 

"Success seems to be connected with action. " - "POSITIVE QUOTES"

           success is with action "Success seems to be  connected with action.Successful people keep moving.They make mistakes, but they   don't quit."

Be happy in the moment, That's enough. - "POSITIVE QUOTES"

All you need                    Be happy in the moment,              That's enough.              Each moment is all we need,              Not more.

Life is an adventure, dare it.- "POSITIVE QUOTES"

Dare it.              Life is an adventure, dare it.                     

Going in one more round when you don't think you can that's what makes all the difference in your life. - "POSITIVE QUOTES"

Try one more time Going in one more round  when you don't think you can that's what makes all the difference in your life.                Feel motivation.

Let go invent tomorrow rather than worrying about what happened yesterday. - "POSITIVE QUOTES"

Invent tomorrow.

"Always be yourself, Express yourself, Have faith in yourself, Do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it."

Just be yourself

Every day is an opportunity to get better. - "POSITIVE QUOTES"

Get better every day.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.- "POSITIVE QUOTES"

           The secret of getting ahead is                               getting started. Getting ahead   "  Feel motivation " this site is all about to motivate you.