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Showing posts from September, 2015

Progress takes time .

Progress takes time .Those who made it look easy have worked hard over time. Patience is important during progress

William Faulkner -Leave something immortal on earth.

A human is mortal, his only chance of immortality is to leave something immortal on earth. - William Faulkner. Be immortal by leaving something immortal.

Don't be so weak that others offense will disturb you from your destination.

When someone has offended you,then try to raise you soul so high that the offense cannot reach you. Be strong .

What ever you do keep moving forward

Keep moving forward If you can't fly,then run; If you can't run,then walk; If you can't walk, then crawl; What ever you do ,you have to keep moving forward.

How much time you spend for your dream matters a lot on achieving it.

It is not what you do every once in a while .But,it is what you do on a daily basis which makes the difference .Work for your dream on a daily basis and you can definitely achieve it. Work daily for your dream

Difference between interest and commitment

There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something ,you do it only when its convenient. When you are committed to some thing ,you accept no excuses;"only results". No excuses

Hanging in there when you feel like giving up does make a real difference.

The most critical decision is made when you feel like giving up. Never giveup

If you don't step forward ,you will always be in the same place.

If you don't go after what you want ,you will never have it. If you don't step forward ,you will always be in the same place. Go for it .

Its not easy to find the right person.

It's hard to find the right person. It's not hard to sacrifice something.But it's hard to find someone who deserves it.

The purpose of life is to give it away.

The meaning of life is to find  your gift.The purpose of life is to give it away. Give it away.

Before you quit,TRY again.

Before you act, listen. Before you react,think. Before you spend,earn. Before you criticize,wait. Before you pray,forgive. Try again before you quit. Before you quit,TRY again.

Nothing can stop me from reaching my goal.

I will fight for it, I will not give up, I will reach my goal. Nothing can stop me from reaching my goal.

Happiness lies with in you.

Sometimes we feel that life of others is better than us.But, we should not forget that we are also others for someone else. Be happy with what you have.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again.But, this time more intelligently. Begin again.

Focus on building new.

The secret of change is to  focus all of your energy not on fighting the old,but on building new. Fight for new.

fight for the best days of your life.

You need to fight in your bad days You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.

Be stubborn about your goals and be flexible about your methods.

Be stubborn about your goals Be stubborn about your goals and be flexible about your methods.

Pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.

Your strength Pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.

Accept the conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility to change.

Choose wisely There are two primary choices in life. 1)To accept the conditions as they exist.   2)Accept the responsibility to change them. It depends on you which one you choose.

Stop being positive about what could go right.

Be positive. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.

Challenge everything that your heart can't feel.

Challenge everything. Challenge everything that your brain can't understand and heart can't feel.

I have many problems in my life.But my lips don't know that.

My lips always smile even in my sorrow. I have many problems in my life.But my lips don't know that. They always smile.

life salutes you when you make others happy.

Be happy and make others happy. Life laughs at you when you are unhappy,life smiles at you when you are happy ,life salutes you when you make others happy.  +feel motivation  

Never make a promise when you are happy.

Never make a decision when you sad. Never reply when you are angry .Never make a promise when you are happy.Never make a decision when you are sad.

Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.

How you should be. "Attitude quotes"Think like a man of action, and act  like a  man of thought.

"Inspirational quotes"-Courage is taking those first steps to your dream even if you can't see the path ahead.

Take those steps "Inspirational quotes"-Courage is taking those first steps to your dream even if you can't see the path ahead.